Pop-up Class Announcement: Join me for a 1-hour restorative breathwork class to move through post-election chaos.
Breathwork is a generative practice that can soothe tension in the body and mind, and provide much-needed stability through these transformative times. This sliding-scale offering is coming up in just a few weeks as Pluto moves into Aquarius, where it will reside for the next 19 years.
*Registration is open: loamacupuncture.com/teachings
Here are the class details:
Will you breathe with me?
Inhale, filling up the lungs.
Hold your breath at the top, for a few moments.
Exhale deeply, and send your breath down into your feet.
Repeat as many times as you need to.
I’m trying to remind myself that this moment is one in a lifetime of moments. Octavia Butler teaches us that we can decide to be a part of the solution—of the many that are needed—to create more safety, care, and justice in the world. This morning, I read a post by Mohawk seed keeper and farmer Rowen White, about working towards deep change, led by a council of Indigenous grandmothers. We need the wisdom of elders, human and more-than-human, to tend and prepare. To be good ancestors, the kind that can meet this moment, we must remember everything and everyone that came before. Bring your ancestors with you, as you move through today, next week, next month, and beyond.
As promised, a discount of 25% off paid subscriptions through the end of 2024! To accompany the discount, I’ve curated a handful of my favorite letters from 2023, which speak to the myriad shifts/heartbreaks/crises that have been mounting over the last several years, which we now bear witness to.
In addition to the live pop-up class on November 20, I’m preparing for the Inner Ecology Winter Solstice workshop on December 18, and a group study/program that will be open for registration at the end of January. I’ll share more in forthcoming letters. Until then, mark your calendars!
Onwards to this week’s roundup:
On Correlations
Drawing wider circles in the midst of global crises.
In the midst of shadows
“It’s late but everything comes next." —Naomi Shihab Nye
On Practice
Thinking through the (potential) role of habits in decolonization.
On embracing a burning world
“In this trembling moment…” –Barry Lopez
On Holding Space for Tender Questions
How can we honor each other well, through life, and death?
I made it through my first year as a Board president! I learned a lot, and feel better prepared to continue in the role for a second year. I am thankful to be working with this organization to protect survivors, especially in this political climate where there exists the potential for policy overturn and with it, decreased safety for our most vulnerable communities. The work continues…
If you’d like to work with me 1:1, my books are open for November. I have both in-person and virtual offerings available. I highly recommend scheduling a complimentary consultation if you’d like to talk through which option is best for you.
Last month, I finished We Are What We Eat: A Slow Food Manifesto, by Alice Waters. And, to kick off November, I started Coming to My Senses: The Making of a Counterculture Cook, a memoir by Waters that delves into her life and work as a culinary icon, cook, and founder of Chez Panisse.
This morning, I made banana bread with Eikhorn flour. My family and I have wanted to try this flour for a while, and this is our first time making anything with it. I can taste a difference, and my little one thoroughly enjoyed it—a small victory! As I experiment I’ll have more to share, I’m sure.