A Central Organizing Principle
Mercury in retrograde enters the heart of the Sun + other updates.
A note about programming: I’ve had to cancel the nature writing series, scheduled to begin later this month. This summer, in tandem with family and personal obligations, I’ve been working to reorganize my business, which has taken much more mental and emotional capacity than I anticipated. I sincerely apologize and appreciate those who registered and expressed interest. If you did register, I will reach out to you personally in the coming weeks. Once everything is settled, I’ll share more about programming for the fall. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Dear friends,
In a 2022 interview, astrologers Michel J. Morris and Kelly Surtees discussed the core differences between the Sun and the Ascendant (Rising) sign in the natal chart. Morris describes the sun as “a central organizing principle”—an idea they attribute to beloved astrologer Demetra George—and confirms what we know to be true about the early origins of life on Earth. We rely on the Sun for sustenance and security.
As we enter the Late Summer period, already halfway through August, there is still more to unfold. What a year this has been. There is always more to do and for the rest of the month, there is a benefit to focusing on the most essential thing; to do one thing at a time. This week and next, we’ll witness the planets make interesting aspects together: some will sit beside each other, some will be 90* apart, and others will be opposing in a tug-of-war. Here are a few aspects of the story that will unfold from August 11 to August 25:
August 14: Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini; Mercury in retrograde moves into Leo
August 15/16: Mars in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces
August 18: Mercury enters the heart of the Sun in Leo
August 19: A Full Moon in Aquarius
August 22: The Sun enters Virgo
As planetary bodies move into geometric formations, crafting angles—and meaning with those angles—there could be confusion about which side is where, and to what end. The urge to move fast or impulsively on an idea, or an ideal, might be strong. During this time, keeping the eyes steady and feet on the ground will help to ease any outside pressure one might feel to rush or push. Memory can and will be of service when grappling with short and long-term choices, with options that contrast and feel paradoxical.
I’m paying a little extra attention to the Mercury cazimi when the planet of communication, thinking, and messages merges with the Sun. Inside the heart of the light-giver, a retrograding Mercury asks that we go back and fetch any missing details. Uncovered or forgotten pieces of the story will receive extra illumination, and messages will amplify, so get your speakers and your spirit ready.
In Recovering Black Storytelling in Qualitative Research: Endarked Storywork, S.R. Toliver writes, “In remembering, we rupture traditional ideologies and standard paradigms to grasp at the roots of who we are and how we’ve come to know ourselves, others, and the world.” I’ve been lucky to have explored the topic of memory so intimately in my work. When I meet with someone—either through acupuncture or astrology—I am reminded again and again of how celestial bodies shape the human experience. Even the philosophy that informs the practice of inserting an acupuncture needle into the skin takes into account the position of the Sun.
The act of remembering has become more present as I develop a better understanding of astrology, and deepen my relationship with the cosmos. In practice, during a natal chart reading, for example, this has looked like having open conversations with people about their lives, the complexity of being human, and trying to survive and thrive in the world. Through image, embodiment, and storytelling, we approach the birth chart as a sacred map that marks the moment they take their first breath. It is a joy and a gift to remind people that they are here on this planet on purpose. It is easy to lose sight of who we are amid surmounting factors that would rather we forget ourselves, and each other.
My little one will enter kindergarten this year, and I truly can’t believe we’re here already. Every cliché is true: Time does move too damn fast. After six years of being a mother, and steward of my business, I am used to shuffling and making things work. Somehow, we made it through multiple pandemics and multiple collapsing systems. Now, I return to the familiar, to study and make new connections. I have a plate full of courses, workshops, and books that I am excited to dive into come September. My guides and teachers include Black feminist writers, environmental scientists, Chinese metaphysicians, herbalists, and astrologers. Though I will miss the easy-going routine of the summer, I am also grateful for an extra few hours during the day to sit with this wisdom; to let it transform and restore my thinking.
Wishing you many many blessings in the coming weeks,
🜃 Reading
I’m heading to Chicago for the week, and only plan to take a notebook and one magazine. I plan to stop in a few bookstores like Women and Children First and need room to bring back a book, or several. My hometown (where I currently live) has no independent bookstores, and I am thrilled to visit a few!
🜃 Listening
This song by Casandra Wilson is everything, and very spot on with the current retrograde cycle:
🜃 Creating
As mentioned, I am in a renewal phase as I work on reorganizing my entire business. This has been a long time coming and I am taking my time, not rushing, and shifting when necessary.